1. 66% of respondents agreed the Queensland border should remain closed.
2. 69% indicated they believed border closure as an overall method for controlling the number of cases of COVID 19 in Queensland was either very important or extremely important.
3. 40% of businesses have felt some level of negative impact on their business and 20% have felt some level of positive impact on their business.
Once again we thank those who took the time to participate in this survey.
With 99 respondents, in a short space of time we gained a snapshot insight of how business is viewing the Queensland border “open or closed” debate and gained some valuable insight via comment from individual businesses.
We found a 66/33 division in viewpoint on the border closure – with 66% in favour of the border remaining closed.
By far, the greatest challenge for business has been the reduction in tourism for 38% of respondents – the next biggest challenge has been difficulty in staying connected with customers, at 18%.
With 40% of business indicating some level of impact on business, significantly 37% of respondents indicated that border closures had changed the way they are distributing products or services. This could indicate a long term shift in how business operates.
We received a variety of comments and feedback from 50% of respondents which provided insight in to the individual experiences. Business expressed considerable distruption to business plans with a need to change strategy, a questioning of the political intent in border closure, along with affirmation of the border closure to protect people. An average of 60 days was seen as a realistic and viable time-frame for re-opening the Queensland border.
We thank all respondents for their participation and feedback. Drawing from our network for feedback, input, and relevant information enables us to stay